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Health Services Notice

Posted Date: 9/18/24 (4:18 PM)

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Health Services Notice
Sevier County Schools Health Services Department is a comprehensive program that strengthens
the educational process by promoting, improving, and maintaining health and wellness for
students. Health services enable students to attend school in a safe learning environment, reducing
barriers to learning by providing school nurse clinics across our district to serve our students and
It is important to remember that many of the daily services that are performed by our school nurses
are classified as activities of daily living (“ADLs”) under the Tennessee Department of
Education’s “Guidelines for Healthcare in School Setting,” and generally do not require a
physician’s order or parental consent. ADLs would include, but are not limited to, actions such as
the application or use of dressing (band aids, gauze), nose packing for nosebleeds, etc. In the case
of an emergency, such as any major injury, seizure, cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, etc. EMS and
parent/guardians will be contacted immediately, and emergency care will be provided until EMS
In situations outside of those listed above, such as when our school nurses would be required to
perform a health care procedure or administer a medication, Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-50-1602
requires parental consent and a health care provider order.
In accordance with the recently passed legislation referred to as the “Families’ Rights and
Responsibilities Act,” Public Chapter No. 1061, if you do not consent to your student receiving
basic health care services from the school nurse for the 2024-2025 school year, please withdraw
consent for your student by completing the withdrawal form at your student’s school.
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