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4-H Club

UT extension office

About 4-H

UT Extension serves the citizens of Sevier County with educational programs in the areas of Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Community Resource Development, and 4-H Youth Development. We are an outreach branch of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, providing research-based solutions and information to the citizens of Tennessee. 

4-H at PFI

At Pigeon Forge Intermediate, all students participate in the 4-H program.  This is part of their classroom time and only those students interested participate outside school hours.  Students will write essays, create posters, participate in photography contests, among other things.  Each classroom will elect officers for the year to help conduct each "meeting" with the 4-H representative.  At the end of the year, classes demonstrating excellence in their bookkeeping minutes and participation are eligible for awards.  For more information on 4-H, please contact the 4-H Office at (865) 453-3695.

Meeting Dates and Announcements

No announcements at this time